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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Rough Cut

We recorded a rough cut of our thriller opening, all of the shots went quite well. The shots go well with each other and the timing is done well.

Tuesday 13 November 2012


This is the storyboard for our thriller opening.

On the first page, it starts with a shot of a car pulling up to a person in a dark part of the woods, the car lights flash, showing the figure infront of it. Then it cuts straight to the main title of the film, and then the directors and producers. There is then a side view of a car at high pursuit.

There is then a rear view of the car, and then a birdseye shot of the car moving down the road. Then, the shot is of the man driving the car, and the camera will be positioned at the back of the car, facing forwards. There is then a close up shot of the man grabbing his phone as he noticed it is ringing. He puts the phone to his head.

After the suspense, it then shows the actors, and other parts of the film crew.

Audience Research

These are statistics of the best box office films to date, showing the weeks they have been placed in best box office films, and the profits and percentages. Shown on Box Office Mojo.

20 Thriller Openings

1. Skyfall (2012)
Bond's loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.

2. Argo (2012)

A dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out of revolutionary Iran.

3. Total Recall (2012)
A factory worker, Douglas Quaid, begins to suspect that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company that provides its clients with implanted fake memories of a life they would like to have led - goes wrong and he finds himself on the run.

4. Looper (2012)
In 2074, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the mob wants to 'close the loop' by transporting back Joe's future self.

5. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Eight years on, a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.

6. Deadfall (2012) 
A thriller that follows two siblings who decide to fend for themselves in the wake of a botched casino heist, and their unlikely reunion during another family's Thanksgiving celebration.

7. Taken 2 (2012)
In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan Mills and his wife are taken hostage by the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while rescuing his daughter.

8. Casino Royale (2006)
In his first mission, James Bond must stop Le Chiffre, a banker to the world's terrorist organizations, from winning a high-stakes poker tournament at Casino Royale in Montenegro.

9. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)
When her father disappears, Heather Mason is drawn into a strange and terrifying alternate reality that holds answers to the horrific nightmares that have plagued her since childhood.

10. xXx (2002)
Xander Cage is an extreme sports athelete recruited by the government on a special mission.

11. Les Miserables (2012)
An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo's classic novel set in 19th-century France, in which a paroled prisoner named Jean Valjean seeks redemption.

12. V for Vendetta (2005)
A shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally.

13. The Expendables 2 (2012)
Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat.

14. Quantum of Solace (2008)
Seeking revenge for the death of his love, secret agent James Bond sets out to stop an environmentalist from taking control of a country's valuable resource.

15. When The Lights Went Out (2012)
Poltergeists attack a family in Yorkshire during the 1974 nationwide blackouts.

16. The Cabin In The Woods (2011)
Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.

17. The Dark Knight (2008)
When Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob, they let the clown out of the box, the Joker, bent on turning Gotham on itself and bringing any heroes down to his level.

18. G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)
The G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they are forced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardize their very existence.

19. Inception (2010)
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception.

20. Stolen (2012)
A former thief frantically searches for his missing daughter, who has been kidnapped and locked in the trunk of a taxi.

Risk Assessment

We have concluded that there wont be many hazards in the production of this film, we will not be using hazards like stunt or novelty constructions, as well as animals and stunt objects. We have predicted that there aren't many areas that need to be risk assessed as we are not using them in our production.

Production Company Logos

We have come up with many different styles of production company logos. 

Continuity Excercise

This is our groups continuaty exercise.

  • We first created a storyboard, so we had a rough idea on what we were doing. We had the idea of a strange meeting; as it is ambiguous and quite thrilling.
  • We used a variety of shots; such as a close up of the bag, over the shoulder shots and cut aways.  
  • We had problems such as Paul not wearing the same tops, which did not run with the continuity, and caused problems.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Thriller Opening Soundtrack

  • We created a thriller soundtrack using GarageBand
  • We also used live sounds that we created using different objects, scratching, banging etc.
Thriller Soundtrack

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Group Ideas for Opening Thriller

1. Paranoid
2. Horror/sociological thriller
3. Plain room/flickering lights
4. Lots of camera shots
5. Sound mix of diagetic and none diagetic
6. Mill Dam (sounds of river, leaves rustling, wind, darkness, lonely, wood)
7. A girl screaming
8. Raining (sounds of the rain on the river)
9. Cold and mysterious atmosphere

Tuesday 9 October 2012

21 Jump Street Title (Study)

This film has lots of interesting title backgrounds which describe different elements to the film. There are lots of action and thriller scenes, and is very consistent.
Scene One
The first scene of the film has an explosive background which shows it could be a thriller opening, it looks very effective and makes the title stand out.
Scene Two
Dramatic close up of a gun, showing that the film is of an action/thriller genre, this clip is only quick and dramatic.
Scene Three
This title is effective because of the bullet shells in the background, making it seem like some sort of crime/thriller film.
Scene Four
Another dramatic action scene which appears during the opening credits of the film, it is affective and relavant to the film as it is of a thriller/action genre.

I-Robot Title Study

The film I-Robot has an interesting opening sequence. It is an underwater theme and uses clever special effects and computer generated imagery to explain the story of the film, and what happens at the start.
Scene One
The first scene of the film shows the production company, and the theme is underwater, the titles kind of float in the water to add more effect, but the blurry background makes it hard to determine what is actually going on, making it mysterious.
Scene Two
This is a clever effect, as the words are projected on the screen, they bubble away into nothing fitting in with the background and is relavant to being underwater.
Scene Three

 This is an interesting scene, the yellow eyes stand out in the blue underwater background, and the bubbles detect that there is movement.

Scene Four
 The main title of the film, stands out because it is important, it has bold spaced out letters, a red light at the bottom to show something is there, bubble effects and some sort of metal chain link. The boldness of the title shows that it is a thriller.

The Bourne Supremacy (Study)

The Bourne Supremacy (Trailer)
1)Universal Studios logo.
2)Main title of the film.
3)Fast paced long-shots, flashbacks, disturbing.
4)Screaming, gun shots and rain.
5)A man wakes up from a dream, dark lighting, close-up.
6)From his facial expression, the dream has bothered him.
7)Close-up of him in the bathroom, looking in the mirror.
8)Talks to who appears to be his girlfriend, about what he is seeing, remembering the images he saw in his dream, like they were memories.
9)He says he keeps seeing the same images.
10)Girl trys to comfort him, romantic music appears in the background.

The Red Violin (Study)

The Red Violin (1998) Trailer

1)Blurry out of focus background, violins playing.
2)Camera becomes more focused, showing violins, vertical shot.
3)Music then becomes more dramatic.
4)People crafting violins, slow camera movement.
5)The lighting is dark and mysterious.
6)Open fire, lights up the scene.
7)Camera is moving around the room, showing every detail of what is going on.
8)Music is paused, a man is complimenting someone for there violin.
9)He then destroys it, high pitched violins begin to play.
10)Slow pace, film title.
11)A man is walking, background ambience is a man speaking at an auction, the building appears to be sophisticated, marble floor, very clean etc.
12)Camera follows the man into the auction, showing the character is of great importance, a main character.
13)Camera is focusing in slowing towards the auction man as he speaks.
14)Violins and other antiques are trying to be sold.
15)The auctionist then describes to be a special violin, a red violin, this violin is then shown, camers zooms in slowly towards the object, light is shining off the tip of it, it is quite a large shot size which determines the violin is important to the film.
16)Instruments begin to play, relevant to the film name. (Violins)
17)The camera is focused on the man showing hes a main character.
18)The auctionist describes the violin as 'a masterpiece of great brilliance'.

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Study)

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Opening Sequence)
1)Opening credits, white text, with a black background.
2)Producers, Director, Exectuive Producer.
3)Mysterious background noise, strange ambience.
4)A man opening a package, extreme close-up of his face, lighting is dark.
5)A frame with a picture, shows a close-up.
6)Posted from 'Hong Kong'
7)The man removes his glasses, with confusement in his facial expression.
8)Starts to cry, dramatic music adds to the sadness.
9)Shows a close-up of a girl, with the film title in the background.
10)Lots of upset people in a room, music appears more calm, close-up of a man looking destressed and sad, feels like a depressive atmosphere, camera movement is slow.
11)Slow transitions.
12)A news reporter is then being interviewed, at this point the audience is still clueless as to what is going on, builds tention.
13)Another news reporter is being interviewed, the background is of the city, the reporter says "of gun-running and serious felonies" which makes it dramatic and shows that the film could be a thriller. 14)A woman is being followed, short hair, strange characteristics, camera is following her down an alley.

Thursday 4 October 2012

North by Northwest (Study)

North by Northwest (Opening Credits)

1) A green background, with connotation.
2) Lines cutting across the space, making the audience feel uneasy.
3) Lines are parallel, like a grid is emerging.
4) Production company, (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) sitting on the lines.
5) The music is bulding tension, orchestral soundtrack making it dramatic.
6) Main stars names are then shown, (Cary Grant) coming in at opposite directions.
7) Film title appears, with a graphical representation of the film, N points North and the T points West.
8) Green grid dissolves into a skyscraper, seeing reflection, through the windows, making it uncomfortable. (Rotoscoping)
9) Co-stars.
10) When the picture becomes more focused, the reflection off the windows is of yellow taxi's, indicating the city is New York. (Distorted Reflection)
12) Music Composer (Bernard Hermann)
13) Director of Photography, the film stock is Technicolor.
14) Production designers, Art Director, Set Decorater, FX.
15) The film is in VistaVision, film editors, color consultant.
16) Dissolved from the front of a skyscraper to a ground level longshot, people moving, contempory setting.
17) People coming in and out of a building.
18) Movement that reflects the soundtrack.
19) People crowing down into a subway, reinforces there in New York. (Rush Hour)
20) Lines of people going down bannisters.
21) Associate producer.
22) Two middle aged women fighting for one taxi. (Dehumanising)
23) Cut it to a high angle shot. (Director)
24) Shows himself walking onto a bus.

Monday 1 October 2012

Serpico - 1973 (Study)

1. High pitch sound, like an ambulance or police siren, makes it a dramatic atmosphere.
2. Film title, in bold letters.
3. Main actors are shown.
4. Sounds like a steam train, this adds affect.
5. Shows a man with a serious head wound, looks like a gunshot, in the back of a police car, this is very dramatic and shows the film is a thriller.
6. Police are talking, they think one of the policemen killed did the assault, as the man says, "I know six cops who would like too." This is a mystery, and means the film is also of a crime genre.
7. The police car is travelling fast, with the syrens screaming, making it very fast paced.
8. The man is carried out of the car on a stretch bed by paramedics into the hospital, still using dramatic fx, to tell the audience it is a serious injury.
9. Next scene is an interview with the police, the background soundtrack consists of calm ambience, but also gives a sad and depressed atmosphere, like the man has not got much time to live.
10. There is then more dramatic music.
11. Close-ups of the mans head wound, by his facial expression, he is suffering.
12. The film genre is a Action/Crime/Thriller, because of the casualty, police, and dramatic music.
13. The titles at the start are in white and bold, so they stand out on the black background.

Monday 24 September 2012

Se7en Study

Se7en Opening Credits (Video)

Se7en Soundtrack

Scary sounds
Evil presence
Electronic Interference
Static Screaming
Record Scratching


Books Turning
Hand Sewing
Books, notes and cuttings out
Hand written opening credits
Montage Bricilage
Hand Prints
Highlighting information
Control lighting/colour

Sunday 23 September 2012

Marnie (Part One) Study


1) Opening with a logo of Universal Studios.
2) Titles of actors in a book opening. (Page turning)
3) It already has an audience, as people have heard of it.
4) The credits are at the start, which is an old fashioned method.
5) Credits start with the main stars. (Sean Connery)
6) This is then followed by the director’s name, Alfred Hitchcock.
7) Co-Stars (Less famous)
8) Featurers (Even less famous)
9) Director of Photography (Robert Burkes, A.S.C)
10) Assistant Director (James H. Brown)
11) Unit Manager (Hilton A. Green)
12) Costume Designer (Edith Head)
13) Hairstylers (Color by Technicolor©)
14) Editor (George Tomasini)
15) Assistants, script supervisors etc.
16) Music by (Bernard Hermann)
17) Screenplay
18) First shot consists of a brightly lit yellow handbag, under a woman’s arm.
19) The woman is wearing a dark brown jacket, which makes it an enigma.
20) The camera is following her movement on a track.
21) The track rate has slowed down, so you have a better view of the woman.
22) The surroundings at this moment in time are a platform at a train station.
23) Nobody appears to be there, it is like she is stranded.
24) The location looks like an industrial area outside the city.
25) The weather is sunny, but she is wearing a jacket, so it could be some time in the autumn period.
26) She is also carrying around a suitcase; she looks like a young woman.
27) There is then sound effects, juxtaposition, continuity editing.
28) There next scene is a man on the telephone.
29) He discovers that there is money missing from a safe.
30) He then gives a very thorough description of the thief, as if he admires her, because he knows so much about her.
31) The secretary is thinking he is an idiot, smirking at him, as are the other workers whilst taking notes.
32) They are all smartly dressed. (Visual Hierarchy)
33) The office they are in has a bland atmosphere, but is well established in an order of importance.
34) There is a close mid shot of two people. (Two shot)
35) A man comes in behind the secretary, (Sean Connery) the secretary is focused whilst he is not.
36) The next scene is a power shift, the man’s voice tone has changed, his manner has changed, and the camera is on a tripod pivoting to follow him.
37) The man who has just entered the room (Sean Connery) is considered more important because he takes up most of the frame, not making eye contact with the man whilst he is trying to speak to him.
38) He has a subtle smurk.
39) They both share something in common whilst speaking; they both find the woman in question attractive, as he quotes (the brunette with the legs).
40) They are still not positive of who the woman is.
41) The next shot is a woman walking down the corridor with the same yellow bag.
42) Exterior to interior will be in the same building.
43) The next shot is directed behind her showing only her possessions, but her face is still unknown at this point, this creates more tension.
44) She then opens the yellow bag, which has money in it.
45) There is then a close up of an identification wallet, belonging to ‘Marion Holland.’
46) She then changes the identity card.
47) She removes her hair dye changing her hair colour; this comes along with dramatic music, still not showing the woman’s face.
48) Her face is then finally shown for the first time, with blonde hair.
49) The camera is now following her, but she is still being kept discreet, along with the realism of the camera position.
50) She puts the suitcase away, none diagetic soundtrack.
51) The soundtrack is now diagetic, as she moves a key down the drain.