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Tuesday 9 October 2012

Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Study)

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Opening Sequence)
1)Opening credits, white text, with a black background.
2)Producers, Director, Exectuive Producer.
3)Mysterious background noise, strange ambience.
4)A man opening a package, extreme close-up of his face, lighting is dark.
5)A frame with a picture, shows a close-up.
6)Posted from 'Hong Kong'
7)The man removes his glasses, with confusement in his facial expression.
8)Starts to cry, dramatic music adds to the sadness.
9)Shows a close-up of a girl, with the film title in the background.
10)Lots of upset people in a room, music appears more calm, close-up of a man looking destressed and sad, feels like a depressive atmosphere, camera movement is slow.
11)Slow transitions.
12)A news reporter is then being interviewed, at this point the audience is still clueless as to what is going on, builds tention.
13)Another news reporter is being interviewed, the background is of the city, the reporter says "of gun-running and serious felonies" which makes it dramatic and shows that the film could be a thriller. 14)A woman is being followed, short hair, strange characteristics, camera is following her down an alley.

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