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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

I-Robot Title Study

The film I-Robot has an interesting opening sequence. It is an underwater theme and uses clever special effects and computer generated imagery to explain the story of the film, and what happens at the start.
Scene One
The first scene of the film shows the production company, and the theme is underwater, the titles kind of float in the water to add more effect, but the blurry background makes it hard to determine what is actually going on, making it mysterious.
Scene Two
This is a clever effect, as the words are projected on the screen, they bubble away into nothing fitting in with the background and is relavant to being underwater.
Scene Three

 This is an interesting scene, the yellow eyes stand out in the blue underwater background, and the bubbles detect that there is movement.

Scene Four
 The main title of the film, stands out because it is important, it has bold spaced out letters, a red light at the bottom to show something is there, bubble effects and some sort of metal chain link. The boldness of the title shows that it is a thriller.

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